
Cait Ni Riain Anam an Amhráin

The traditional songs of this land both as Gaeilge and in English hold a deeply rooted cultural memory of all that we have moved through as a people. The echoes of our ancestors resonate in our chests as we give voice to their lived experiences through our traditional songs. “The rich write the history, the poor write the songs”. This living treasure trove of songs give us a window into the deepest emotional experiences of our people, both their grief and their joy, and everything in between. Our history and folklore is preserved in these songs. Their beauty cuts straight to the heart. Join us for a concert of our traditional songs with piano, and various instrumental accompaniments, where you will have the opportunity to learn about the soul of our songs, as-well as participating in an embodied learning experience with some yogic techniques of using sound as a healing modality, to access our heart.